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picture1_System Software Pdf 185940 | G22 3033 011 C23

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File: System Software Pdf 185940 | G22 3033 011 C23
application servers g22 3033 011 session 2 sub topic 2 enterprise architecture frameworks eafs pattern driven eafs dr jean claude franchitti new york university computer science department courant institute of ...

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...Application servers g session sub topic enterprise architecture frameworks eafs pattern driven dr jean claude franchitti new york university computer science department courant institute of mathematical sciences definition software a set artifacts that is principles guidelines policies models standards and processes the relationships between these guide selection creation implementation solutions aligned with business goals structure structures an information system consisting entities their externally visible properties among them description subsystems components are typically specified in different views to show relevant functional non artifact it result design activity component encapsulated part has interface serve as building blocks for at programming language level may be represented modules classes objects or related functions subsystem collaborating performing given task considered separate entity within performs its designated by interacting other architectural style types to...

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