unit 4 chapter 1 functions functions introduction using functions function declaration prototype function definition function call return statement passing parameters scope of variables storage classes recursive functions 1 introduction of ...
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...Unit chapter functions introduction using function declaration prototype definition call return statement passing parameters scope of variables storage classes recursive a is block code that performs specific task types there are in c programming standard library and user defined the built to handle tasks such as i o processing mathematical calculations string handling etc ex printf send formatted output it by stdio h header file include scanf puts gets clrscr getch strlen strupr strlwr sqrt ceil floor language allows programmer define created users called depending upon complexity requirements program you can create many want why we need or benefits so for size reduced entire be divided into simple sub subprograms easier write understand debug every subprogram compiled separately loading them together reduce amount work development time accessed repeatedly without redevelopment which enables reuse reusability declarations prototypes general format declaring data type name parameter li...