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picture1_Programming Pdf 182352 | Dca 201 New Adv C Mcq

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File: Programming Pdf 182352 | Dca 201 New Adv C Mcq
bca pgdca sem 2 new course bca dca 201 advanced programming language c mcq paper 70 questions 1 the keyword used to transfer control from a function back to the ...

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...Bca pgdca sem new course dca advanced programming language c mcq paper questions the keyword used to transfer control from a function back calling is switch b goto go d return choose correct statement about functions in group of which can be reused any number times every has value may not all above name cannot same as predefined start with an underscore or z default type integer calls itself called self auto recursive static how many values returns at time only one maximum two three eight what are types library user defined both and none pass by copies variable more memory location pas does use pointers protect your source changes outside global variables internal external following structures scope automatic within block it appears blocks until end program storage specifier enum union volatile class if specified for local true false depends on standard another exists even after ends modified sending parameter assignment statements assigning executed once have qualifier its declaration...

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