vivekanandha college of engineering for women autonomous department of information technology branch year semester information technology ii iii subject code and subject name u15it302 open source software faculty name s ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Vivekanandha college of engineering for women autonomous department information technology branch year semester ii iii subject code and name uit open source software faculty s sinduja ap it lession plan session duration in topics covered teaching aid books referred no minutes unit i introduction to sources ppt bb online need advantages application operating system linux general overview kernel mode user process advanced concepts scheduling signals development with php essential operators flow control strings arrays creating functions reading data web pages browser handling power file working databases iv python syntax style objects numbers sequences lists tuples dictionaries conditionals loops files input output calling function passing formal arguments functional programming recursion modules namespaces importing packages v perl variables statements structures subroutines text remy card eric dumas frank mevel the book wiley publications steven holzner complete reference nd edition tat...