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picture1_Programming Pdf 184506 | Testing

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File: Programming Pdf 184506 | Testing
hsslive chapter 2 concept of object oriented programming programming paradigm programming paradigm refers to the style or way of programming some paradigm gives more importance to procedure whereas others give ...

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...Hsslive chapter concept of object oriented programming paradigm refers to the style or way some gives more importance procedure whereas others give data various approaches in are modular top down bottom up and structured c implements two types aradigms procedural consists a set instructions organizes these into functions uing high level languages such cobol is known as limitations undervalued on doing things given less importanceie any fuction can access change adding new element needs modification global cannot be changed without modifying that difficult create prepared by anishkumar g s mailanish yahoo com page ability language called extensibility helps reduce program complexity not extensible poor modelling independent so neither nor function model objects effectively binds single unit oop divided communicate with each other using advantages pogramming easy maintain modify code provides structure for programs sharing information hiding it good defining abstract type real life scena...

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