computerlanguages notes the first computer language for electronic devices was short code the first of the major languages appeared in the form of fortran fortranstands forformula translation system fortranlanguage was ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 31 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Computerlanguages notes the first computer language for electronic devices was short code of major languages appeared in form fortran fortranstands forformula translation system fortranlanguage designed at ibm scientific computing thelanguage used programs that benchmark and ranks world s fastest super computers www bankexamstoday com is name cobol stands common business oriented which referred as mother flow matic lispstands forlist processinglanguage lisplanguage artificial intelligence research to have format grammar algol algolmeanalgorithmic algolis a high level specially programming computations pascal named honor blaise developed by niklans wirth small efficient intended encourage good practices general purpose dennis ritchie c known asobject or oop most after simulations such games sometimes called hybrid one preferred develop professional applications java james gosling facilitate communication with interactive t v visual basic vb derived from basicis very limited scope non sc...