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picture1_Software Engineer Pdf 183152 | Paper4

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File: Software Engineer Pdf 183152 | Paper4
phise 06 727 ethical responsibility of the software engineer 1 2 1 gonzalo genova m rosario gonzalez anabel fraga 1 departamento de informatica universidad carlos iii de madrid avda universidad ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 31 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Phise ethical responsibility of the software engineer gonzalo genova m rosario gonzalez anabel fraga departamento de informatica universidad carlos iii madrid avda leganes spain ggenova afraga inf ucm es didactica y teoria la educacion autonoma ciudad universitaria cantoblanco cra colmenar viejo km charo uam abstract among various contemporary schools moral thinking consequence based ethics as opposed to rule seems have a good acceptance professionals such engineers but naive consequentialism is intellectually too weak serve practical guide in profession besides complexity systems makes it very hard know advance consequences that will derive from professional activities production therefore following spirit well known codes acm ieee s we advocate for more solid position which call moderate deontologism takes into account both rules and assess goodness actions at same time pays an adequate consideration absolute values human dignity introduction progress society highly influenced by way...

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