Department of Mathematics MTL107: Numerical Methods and Computations Exercise Set 3: Bisection Method, Fixed-Point Iteration Method, Newton’s Method, Modied Newton’s Method, Muller’s method for Polynomials √ 1. Use the Bisection Method to nd the zero r for f(x) = x−cosx on [0,1]. 3 2. Use the Bisection Method to nd solution accurate within 10−2 for x3−7x2+14x−6 = 0 on the intervals: a. [0,1]; b. [1,3.2]; c. [3.2,4]. 3. Use the Bisection Method to nd solution accurate within 10−5 for the following problems: a. x −2&minus ...
Program: MCA Semester: Fourth L T P C Course: Computer Oriented Numerical and Statistical Methods 4 0 0 4 Course Code: 3C.655 Course Objective: Formulate and solve linear programming problems and operations with nonlinear expressions. Able to find the mean and the variance of a random variable. Able to find the confidence interval for the mean of a normal population from a sample. Able to find the sample regression line. Ability to solve financial math problems. Ability to solve basic problems in probability and statistics. Ability to solve the equation by Newton Raphson Method. Unit I Solution of Nonlinear ...
IMA-302: COMPUTER ORIENTED NUMERICAL AND L T P STATISTICAL TECHNIQUES 3 1 0 (CS, ET, IT, III Semester) UNIT I: Nonlinear Equations and Simultaneous Linear Equations: Roots of nonlinear equation, Methods of solution, Order of convergence of iterative methods, Simple roots: Bisection, False position, Secant, Newton-Raphson, Chebyshev, Iteration and multi point iteration methods, Multiple roots: Newton-Raphson and Chebyshev, Complex roots: Newton-Raphson and Muller’s method, a system of nonlinear equations: Newton-Raphson and Iteration methods, Polynomial equations: Bairstow’s method, convergence analysis of above methods. Linear systems: Introduction, Direct methods, Operation count, Pivoting, Ill conditioned linear systems & condition number ...