File: Computer Oriented Numerical Methods 87715 | 4th Sem
program mca semester fourth l t p c course computer oriented numerical and statistical methods 4 0 0 4 course code 3c 655 course objective formulate and solve linear programming ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Program mca semester fourth l t p c course computer oriented numerical and statistical methods code objective formulate solve linear programming problems operations with nonlinear expressions able to find the mean variance of a random variable confidence interval for normal population from sample regression line ability financial math basic in probability statistics equation by newton raphson method unit i solution equations introduction bisection without derivation convergence ii interpolation difference operator forward backward shift relations between them tables factorial notation s formulae proof lagrange formula unequally space points iii differentiation integration general quadrature equidistance ordinates trapezoidal rule simpson rd th picard successive approximations euler modified rungekutta second order iv basics conditional baye theorem correlation mathematical expectation moment generating function characteristic functions binomial distribution poisson suggested readings v...