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picture1_Processing Pdf 182872 | Unit I(q&a) Cp

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File: Processing Pdf 182872 | Unit I(q&a) Cp
q a for previous year questions subject computer programming b tech i year unit i introduction to computers computer hardware and software system software programming languages program developing steps algorithms ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 31 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Q a for previous year questions subject computer programming b tech i unit introduction to computers hardware and software system languages program developing steps algorithms flow charts c history of structure keywords identifiers data types constants variables operators expressions precedence order evaluation type conversion casting list explain the functions various parts ans is made up two major components ii following figure shows fig physical equipment component consists input devices central processing cpu primary storage d output e auxiliary device usually keyboard where programs are entered into other touch screen mouse pen an audio it responsible executing instructions such as arithmetic calculations comparisons among movement inside today s may have one or more also known main memory place stored temporarily during in erased when we turn off personal log from time sharing volatile monitor printer show if shown on soft copy printed hard secondary used both permanently remain ...

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