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picture1_Addison Wesley   More Effective C

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File: Addison Wesley More Effective C
more effective c book continue to acknowledgments dedication for clancy my favorite enemy within back to dedication continue to introduction acknowledgments a great number of people helped bring this book ...

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...More effective c book continue to acknowledgments dedication for clancy my favorite enemy within back introduction a great number of people helped bring this into existence some contributed ideas technical topics with the process producing and just made life fun while i was working on it when contributors is large not uncommon dispense individual in favor generic are too numerous mention prefer follow expansive lead john l hennessy david patterson computer architecture quantitative approach morgan kaufmann addition motivating comprehensive that their provides hard data rule which refer item items exception direct quotations all words mine however many discuss came from others have done best keep track who what but know included information sources now fail recall foremost among them posters usenet newsgroups comp lang std community been developed independently by follows note only where exposed particular necessarily those originated brian kernighan suggested use macros approximate syn...

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