data mining chapter 3 classification prepared by er pratap sapkota data mining chapter 3 classification prepared by er pratap sapkota chapter 3 classification classification is a data mining technique used ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 30 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Data mining chapter classification prepared by er pratap sapkota is a technique used to predict group membership of instances assigns items on collection target categories or classes the goal accurately class for each case in classifier unclassified set classified stages training conceptual model apply evaluation learning test algorithm fig types i decision tree ii rule based iii nearest neighbor iv bayesian v artificial neural network ann vi others which branch node represents choice between number alternatives and leaf ioenotes edu np form structure where indicates specifies some be carried out single attribute value with one sub possible outcome can classify an instance starting at root moving through it until provides corresponding hunt s id j c entropy calculation sliq sprint cart gini index grows recursive fashion partitioning into successively subsets let dt that reach t general procedure defined as if contains records belong same y then labeled empty default d more than use spl...