geological exploration as per unfc stages and field guidelines by m s jairam deputy director general geological survey of india overview india produces as many as 84 minerals national mineral ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 17 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Geological exploration as per unfc stages and field guidelines by m s jairam deputy director general survey of india overview produces many minerals national mineral inventory database is maintained ibm for non coal solid gsi lignite dept petroleum natural gas oil both government private agencies followed the classification reserves resources evolved in prior to no nationally accepted system dimensional with distinction between technical economic an emphasis on axis basis consideration quantum geologic nature mode occurrence shape depth etc common most techno mining technology processing varies different diagrammatic representation ore detailed phase re co nnaissance prospecting identified undiscovered tonnage grade developed undeveloped based surmise situ demonstrated design dilution extraction factor fully partly proved probable possible prospective prognostic known unknown areas...