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picture1_Curriculum Booklet Btech Ece

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File: Curriculum Booklet Btech Ece
indian institute of technology bhubaneswar curriculum table of contents 1 compliance report for b tech programme st nd 2 b tech and dual degree 1 and 2 semester common courses ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 30 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Indian institute of technology bhubaneswar curriculum table contents compliance report for b tech programme st nd and dual degree semester common courses a first second c syllabus rd th third to sixth core seventh eighth elective with lateral list other schools complete wise credits components subjects credit recommended approved i english ii basic science mathematics iii general sciences iv engineering breadth basket seminar miscellaneous internship project laterals year verticals theory laboratory total in electronics communication the semesters are same all programs program has combination final range is disciplines study subject name code l t p contact hour page no mal physics phl chemistry cyl mechanics communications or mel learning hsl electrical introduction eel programing data structures csl manufacturing processes mep drawing graphics cep php cyp eep csp extra academic activity idt...

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