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picture1_Nitrates Nitrites 170614

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File: Nitrates Nitrites 170614
efsa explains risk assessment nitrites and nitrates added to food what are nitrites nitrates why are they present in what were efsa s findings on nitrosamines food what were the ...

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...Efsa explains risk assessment nitrites and nitrates added to food what are why they present in were s findings on nitrosamines the main conclusions happens body did panel recommend re evaluate other work has been done this area how assess safety of next glossary june published two scientific opinions its evaluation summary experts concluded their salts nitrite nitrate commonly used for curing meat perishable produce preserve it also help hinder growth harmful microorganisms particular clostridium botulinum bacterium responsible life threatening botulism together with keep red give flavour while prevent certain cheeses from bloating during fermentation is found naturally vegetables highest concentrations occurring leafy like spinach lettuce can enter chain as an environmental contaminant water due use intensive farming methods livestock production sewage discharge humans rapidly absorbed by most part excreted some recirculated through salivary glands converted mouth bacteria into oxidis...

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