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picture1_Saaty Ahp 180509 | Saaty1

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File: Saaty Ahp 180509 | Saaty1
the analytic hierarchy process ahp for decision making by thomas saaty decision making involves setting priorities and the ahp is the methodology for doing that real life problems exhibit strong ...

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...The analytic hierarchy process ahp for decision making by thomas saaty involves setting priorities and is methodology doing that real life problems exhibit strong pressures weakened resources complex issues sometimes there are no right answers vested interests conflicting values most multicriteria maximize profits satisfy customer demands employee satisfaction shareholders minimize costs of production government regulations taxes bonuses today a science people have hard decisions to make they need help because many lives may be involved survival business depends on or future success diversification must survive competition surprises presented what kind amount knowledge some say use learning about so complicated factors which go into beyond our ability identify them effectively i not true we had considerable experience in past thirty years structure prioritize thousands all walks longer think mystery good goods bads intangibles kinds tradeoffs among careful measure things bad much more ...

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