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picture1_Processing Pdf 180497 | Lecture21 0

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File: Processing Pdf 180497 | Lecture21 0
21 fourier transforms in optics part 3 magnitude and phase some examples amplitude and phase of light waves what is the spectral phase anyway the scale theorem defining the duration ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 30 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Fourier transforms in optics part magnitude and phase some examples amplitude of light waves what is the spectral anyway scale theorem defining duration a pulse uncertainty principle d x k new set conjugate variables image processing with transform for any complex quantity we can decompose f t into their be written mag exp where called intensity i temporal analogously spectrum s just as both are required to specify course c e constants front shouldn ignored calculating it easy go back forth between function im arctanre which same re ln example gaussian at real so its zero ta time domain ft also has frequency...

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