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picture1_Lecture21 Mechanics Handout

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File: Lecture21 Mechanics Handout
classical mechanics lecture21 systemsofparticles andmomentofinertia prof n harnew university of oxford ht2017 1 outline 21 systemsofparticlesandmoment ofinertia 21 1 nii for system of particles translation motion 21 1 1 kinetic ...

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...Classical mechanics lecture systemsofparticles andmomentofinertia prof n harnew university of oxford ht outline systemsofparticlesandmoment ofinertia nii for system particles translation motion kinetic energy and the cm rotational angular momentum introduction to moment inertia extend example j not parallel mass distributed in a plane generalize rigid bodies reminder from mt lectures force on particle i m d r f ext int dt x p mi fext fint nfext z all masses external forces internal zero mr where v nmir mv lab t is velocity pmv but sameexpression as was derived...

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