chapter 6 continuous time markov chains in chapter 3 we considered stochastic processes that were discrete in both time and space and that satised the markov property the behavior of ...
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...Chapter continuous time markov chains in we considered stochastic processes that were discrete both and space satised the property behavior of future process only depends upon current state not any rest past here generalize such models by allowing for to be as before will always take our either nite or countably innite agoodmentalimagetohavewhenrstencounteringcontinuoustimemarkov is simply a chain which transitions can happen at see next section this image very good one imply jump times opposed being integers setting exponentially distributed construction basic denitions wish construct on some countable s satises letting f denote all information x pertaining history up andlettingj t wewant p j also want homogeneous so call satisfying though more useful equivalent denition terms transition rates given below should compared with analog did poisson shall simplest most important attempt understand than way proceeding make technical assumption under consideration are right implies if occurs...