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picture1_Processing Pdf 179695 | 175 P16mca21 2020052205545521

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File: Processing Pdf 179695 | 175 P16mca21 2020052205545521
data mining warehousing archana g asst professor caroline elizhabeth e asst professor srinivasan college of arts and science data mining and data warehousing unit i introduction to data mining data ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 30 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Data mining warehousing archana g asst professor caroline elizhabeth e srinivasan college of arts and science unit i introduction to is a process that used by an organization turn the raw into useful utilizing software find patterns in large sets organizations can learn more about their customers develop efficient business strategies boost sales reduce costs effective collection storage processing are important advantages method been machine learning models what it basically extraction vital information knowledge from set think as ground rocky surface we don t know inside if something beneath rocks steps involved understanding preparation modeling evaluation deployment techniques listed below cluster analysis enables identify given user group according common features database these could include age geographic location education level so on ii anomaly detection determine when noticeably different regular pattern eliminate any inconsistencies or anomalies at source iii regression this ...

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