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picture1_Overview 2

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File: Overview 2
integrating functions over a line or contour integrating functions over a line or contour example when dry a climbing rope weighs 0 175 foot the weight density for a wet ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 26 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Integrating functions over a line or contour example when dry climbing rope weighs foot the weight density for wet hanging vertically is h wh e per nds find of pou ity ens note long would weigh feet x d height above ground total dh he integration with vectors fa if force acting on particle y newtons how much work required to move from along path yx f w times distance where tangent in this angle between and entire ff cos length nm tan handle more general cases vector varies we will need integrate do define differential element dl an infintesimally short curve cartesian coordinates ddl xadya dza yz can be put terms dx dy dz only facilitate dll needed sum tangential component function generally form fd aa v c second closed that any necessarily defines surface dot product provides scalar representing direction xy go integral t dw dxa dya z since could have also so l attracted towards origin equal kr r solution first xax yay points fromthe thepoint then...

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