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picture1_System Development Life Cycle Pdf 179006 | Unit01 Sdp

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File: System Development Life Cycle Pdf 179006 | Unit01 Sdp
introduction to system development process 1 learning objectives systems development life cycle identify the software development phases how it came about methodology alternatives team roles skill sets modern software development ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 29 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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                      Introduction to System 
                        development process
            Learning Objectives
                 • Systems development life cycle
                    • Identify the software development phases
                    • How it came about
                    • Methodology alternatives
                 • Team roles & skill sets
                 • Modern software development process
                    • Agile methodology with SCRUM framework
             What is a Software Process?
             Aprocess is a method for doing or producing something.
             A software process is a method for producing software.
             Software products are a set of artifacts derived from a software development 
               process such as SRS, design specifications, executable file, user manual …
            "Producing software" includes                Managing the software project 
              specification                                involves
              design                                      obtaining resources
              construction                                measuring
              documentation                               tracking
              transition                                  reviews
              maintenance                                 analyzing results and acting on 
              improvement
              • Why do we need a formal process?
                 • Failures occur (too) often
                 • Creating systems is not intuitive
                 • Projects are late, over budget or delivered with fewer 
                   features than planned
              • The System Analyst is the key person
                 • Designs a system to add value
                 • Must understand the business processes
                 • Job is rewarding, yet challenging
                 • Requires specific skill sets
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...Introduction to system development process learning objectives systems life cycle identify the software phases how it came about methodology alternatives team roles skill sets modern agile with scrum framework what is a aprocess method for doing or producing something products are set of artifacts derived from such as srs design specifications executable file user manual includes managing project specification involves obtaining resources construction measuring documentation tracking transition reviews maintenance analyzing results and acting on them improvement why do we need formal failures occur too often creating not intuitive projects late over budget delivered fewer features than planned analyst key person designs add value must understand business processes job rewarding yet challenging requires specific...

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