lecture notes on probability and statistics b tech iii semester ms b praveena assistant professor civil engineering institute of aeronautical engineering autonomous dundigal hyderabad 500 043 probability and statistics iii ...
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...Lecture notes on probability and statistics b tech iii semester ms praveena assistant professor civil engineering institute of aeronautical autonomous dundigal hyderabad mech course code category hours week credits maximum marks l t p c cia see total ahs foundation contact classes tutorial practical nil objectives the should enable students to i enrich knowledge single random variables distributions ii apply concept correlation regression find covariance analyze given data for appropriate test hypothesis unit distribution basic definitions discrete continuous mass function density functions mathematical expectation binomial poisson normal multiple joint marginal coefficient rank lines sampling testing population statistic parameter types expected values sample mean variance standard error means estimation point interval estimations null alternate type errors critical region confidence level significance one sided two iv large tests difference between proportion proportions v small anov...