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picture1_Oil Pdf 178108 | An Pan Download

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File: Oil Pdf 178108 | An Pan Download
an pan 1014 online determination of salt in crude oil by automated process analysis summary crude oil is a highly complex mixture of hydrocarbons which contains different organic and inorganic ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 29 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...An pan online determination of salt in crude oil by automated process analysis summary is a highly complex mixture hydrocarbons which contains different organic and inorganic impurities e g water salts excessive amounts results higher corrosion rates refining units has detrimental effect on the catalysts used therefore needs to be removed from oils prior known as desalting techniques are well established but continuous monitoring content needed for control cost reduction this application note focused using adi ti ex proof analyzer metrohm analytics equipped with special heavy duty sampling devices solution ensures safe working environment operators avoids excess increases profitability introduction extracted wells contain gases either dissolved or suspended these can lead downstream fouling heat exchangers distillation overhead systems furthermore conversion processes via two major methods chemical electrostatic separation most commonly applied method electrical both use hot extraction...

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