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picture1_Oil Pdf 177531 | Press Release

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File: Oil Pdf 177531 | Press Release
keresa plantations meets international sustainability standards kuching november 2010 the rst sarawakian owned oil palm plantation company keresa plantations sdn bhd was certied by the roundtable for sustainable palm oil ...

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...Keresa plantations meets international sustainability standards kuching november the rst sarawakian owned oil palm plantation company sdn bhd was certied by roundtable for sustainable rspo recently embarked on their journey two years ago and has been continuously improving its operations practices across all sectors as required located in bintulu sarawak owns land total of hectares is one smallest companies industry to be s cpo mill ocially unit scope certication includes crop from neighboring indigenous smallholders mr graeme iain brown managing director says others questioned why a small sized like would want join place they gured we did not know what were getting ourselves into face crisis which both natural business world facing there serious need us review way practiced early stages understanding implementing criteria management realized importance doing things dierently general manager k kumaran explains i that although ve taking care workers terms wages approach more holistic ha...

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