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picture1_Topology Mth304

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File: Topology Mth304
topology notes and problems abstract these are the notes prepared for the course mth 304 to be oered to undergraduate students at iit kanpur contents 1 topology of metric spaces ...

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...Topology notes and problems abstract these are the prepared for course mth to be oered undergraduate students at iit kanpur contents of metric spaces topological basis a generated by innitude prime numbers product subspace closed sets hausdor closure set continuous functions atheorem volterra vito homeomorphisms box uniform topologies compact quotient connected path compactness revisited countability axioms separation tychono s theorem references afunction d x r is if any y z i werefer as space exercise give ve your favourite metrics on show that c with f g kf gk an open ball in given bd let how does look like visualize b where identity function we say every there exists such subsets endowed non denote all bounded can not hint anyneighbourhoodofinbcontainsdiscontinuousfunctions unit t dt construct maximum equal area covered less than example consider rst quadrant plane usual note disc wesaythatasequence converges n discuss convergence tn distinct particular limit convergent sequence un...

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