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picture1_Network Ppt Repost 77800 | 1586443867 Typology

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File: Network Ppt Repost 77800 | 1586443867 Typology
topology refers to the layout of the network i e the arrangement in which all the computers and other networking devices are physically wired in nutshell network topology is the ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 03 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Topology refers to the layout of network i e arrangement in which all computers and other networking devices are physically wired nutshell is shape characteristics a depend upon type selected for designing that there five basic topologies star ring bus tree mesh connection also known as hub spoken connected with central data communication takes place through only if computer say sends another sent by will first go then send work stations directly help cables no two workstations each advantages establishing using easy install wire failure or removal one nod printer etc doesn t effect working nodes faulty parts can be detected removed case without affecting systems allows better management lan turns cable attached workstation rest remain usual disadvantages since every linked longer length required functioning entire depends fails it costlier method compared cost purchasing very high manner last hence forms example node c message shown figure received between signals repeater regenerate ...

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