File: Calculus Pdf 170841 | Ut Math1860 Syllabus 2020
single variable calculus ii the university of toledo mathematics statistics department college of natural sciences and mathematics math1860 0xx crn xxxxx instructor insert name class location insert building room email ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 26 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Single variable calculus ii the university of toledo mathematics statistics department college natural sciences and math xx crn xxxxx instructor insert name class location building room email address day time days oce hours lab bldg if applicable phone number credit term semester year coursedescription inverse functions techniques applications integration polar coordinates sequences series studentlearningoutcomes successful student should be able to denite integrals use antiderivatives evaluate apply in a variety model physical biological or economic situations whatever e g determining area volume solids revolution arc length surfaces centroids work uid forces are chosen emphasis on setting up an approximating riemann sum representing its limit as integral employ special types including substitution by parts trigonometric partial fraction decomposition improper evaluateimproperintegrals includingintegralsoverinniteintervals aswellasintegrals which integrand becomes innite interval dete...