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picture1_Calculus Pdf 169375 | Multivariable Calculus

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File: Calculus Pdf 169375 | Multivariable Calculus
approved innovative course course multivariable calculus peims code n1110018 abbreviation multcal grade level s 11 12 number of credits 1 0 course description multivariable calculus takes the concepts learned in ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 25 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Approved innovative course multivariable calculus peims code n abbreviation multcal grade level s number of credits description takes the concepts learned in single variable and extends them to multiple dimensions topics discussed include vector algebra applications dot cross product equations lines planes surfaces space converting between rectangular cylindrical spherical coordinates continuity differentiation integration valued functions application such as curvature arc length speed velocity acceleration limits derivatives tangent normal applying double triple integrals find area volume surface mass center moments inertia fields finding curl divergence line conservative conservation energy green theorem parametric including vectors areas orientation a stokes this is designed an additional math for those students who have successfully completed ap bc interest continuing their mathematical studies while high school essential knowledge skills introduction will build on mathematics whic...

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