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File: Thomas Finney Calculus Pdf 171445 | Slides 9th 11th January
introduction n convergence of sequence in r coordinate systems limit of functions ma102 multivariable calculus rupam barman and shreemayee bora department of mathematics iit guwahati r barman s bora ma ...

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...Introduction n convergence of sequence in r coordinate systems limit functions ma multivariable calculus rupam barman and shreemayee bora department mathematics iit guwahati s outline the course two topics will be taught as rst part total number lectures tutorials g b thomas jr l finney analytic geometry th edition narosa pearson education india t m apostol vol nd wiley ghorpade v limaye a analysis st indian reprint springer ordinary dierential equations second instructors dr webpage http www iitg ernet for lecture divisions tutorial groups venues class exam time tables see intranet academic section website problem sheets uploaded you are expected to try all problems sheet before coming do not expect tutor solve completely given attendance policy classes is compulsory students who meet requirement allowed write end semester examination awarded f fail grade refer tech ordinance clause...

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