SYLLABUS – MATH 6140 ALGEBRAICGEOMETRYII Description: This is the second course in a two course sequence on the topic of Algebraic Geometry. We will cover topics including algebraic varieties (projective ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 25 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Syllabus math algebraicgeometryii description this is the second course in a two sequence on topic of algebraic geometry we will cover topics including varieties projective and ane blowups normalization singularities zariski s main theorem sheaves divisors dierential forms more time monday wednesday friday am pm location jwb instructor karl schwede contact information email utah edu oce website http www hours tbd textbooks by robin hartshorne introduction to steven dale cutkosky rising see foundations ravi vakil grade your be determined following formula homework typically form group worksheets students are allowed even encouraged work together when solving problems prerequisites have familiarity with elds polynomial rings ideals point set topology also material at level rst chapter academic integrity all university policies regarding ethics honorable behavior apply disabilities americans act requires that reasonable accommodations provided qualied individuals discuss any such please m...