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picture1_Geometry Pdf 168202 | Vectorspaces

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File: Geometry Pdf 168202 | Vectorspaces
geometry of vector spaces fall 2014 math430 in these notes we show that it is possible to do geometry in vector spaces as well that is similar to plane geometry ...

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...Geometry of vector spaces fall math in these notes we show that it is possible to do as well similar plane start by giving the denition an abstract space v a real if for any u w and r p following hold there exists unique such theusual example or with addition scalar multiplication less conventional continuous functions on unit interval c where multiplying numbers f g x rf zero this just identically function remark one should think positive number dilation zooming out reection turns notion parallelism can be dened two vectors are parallel non given b segments illustrated gure below surface have fairly little structure however more then enough prove versions classical theorems from involving theorem thales suppose s t not some proof bv cw because need argue also d wecan replace last identity obtain after organizing terms end up above particular which what needed pappus lie alternately lines through according want h asandv ar same reason bw putting identities together abw bar hence ab pro...

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