File: Geometry Pdf 167859 | Coord Geom Review Project
coordinate geometry lesson and project c sormani mtti lehman college cuny mat631 spring 2009 goal to review all the key topics of planar geometry by applying them to the coordi ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 25 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Coordinate geometry lesson and project c sormani mtti lehman college cuny mat spring goal to review all the key topics of planar by applying them coordi nate plane for this you may use any facts we have discussed semester from euclidean compass straightedge constructions consult prior projects if wish please write out statements theorems denitions as apply that will be useful are a line through point x y with slope m has formula horizontal vertical two lines parallel i they same perpendicular their slopes negative reciprocals hori zontal p distance between points is circle radius r about midpoint copy statement each problem onto top sheet graph paper then work it explicitly writing which using sure explain label refer problems but new gure needed when requested verify lies on or algebraically one must substitute coordinates into in following set take values depending number assigned your group these chosen nice answers b q l ii iii groupiv v rst seven done order give everyone little ti...