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picture1_M 2class

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File: M 2class
title stata com class object oriented programming classes syntax description remarks and examples also see syntax class classname extends classname declaration s syntax is presented under the following headings introduction ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Title stata com class object oriented programming classes syntax description remarks and examples also see classname extends declaration s is presented under the following headings introduction example of member variables denition methods functions default exposure in declarations follow that two languages ado mata each support this manual entry explains most users interested will wish to program learn about explained detail coord real scalar x y length angle return sqrt atan pi rotated theta void new super one could use interactively b displayed be note executing as if it were a function creates an instance when using inside other not necessary create explicitly long you declare variable myfunc are form static where final matatype name public protected private eltype orgtype transmorphic matrix numeric vector rowvector complex colvector string pointer struct structname for m type count c virtual t inverse arguments even allowed declared memberfunctions may share same names no special ...

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