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File: Crt Markov A
theannals of probability 2012 vol 40 no 3 1167 1211 doi 10 1214 11 aop644 institute of mathematical statistics 2012 1 a continuum tree valued markov process byromainabrahamandjean francoisdelmas universite ...

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...Theannals of probability vol no doi aop institute mathematical statistics a continuum tree valued markov process byromainabrahamandjean francoisdelmas universite d orleans and paris est wepresent construction levy random crt as sociated with super critical continuous state branching using the so called exploration girsanov theorem we also extend pruning procedure to this case let be branch ing mechanism set or that all these cbs can obtained limit renor malized sequences galton watson processes genealogical is naturally associated question existence such structure for cb arises has given birth theory trees rst introduced in pioneer work aldous codes geneal ogy general sub been constructed studied further main tool approach explo ration s r where isameasureonr which quadratic measure just lebesgue over an interval height pro cess hs brownian motion drift reected at built wepropose here based on ideas from build uptoagivenlevel coded by its law absolutely respect whose leaves above level...

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