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picture1_Geometry Pdf 167787 | Geometry Study Guide

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File: Geometry Pdf 167787 | Geometry Study Guide
geometry study guide test date plane shape a plane shape is a shape that is flat known as a 2 dimensional shape they have height and width examples of plane ...

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...Geometry study guide test date plane shape a is that flat known as dimensional they have height and width examples of shapes rectangle octagon pentagon circle hexagon triangle polygons some are closed start end at the same point made up or more line segments sides polygon never cross not solid depth square pyramid sphere cube cylinder cone rectangular prism can faces edges vertices face surface edge segment formed where two meet vertex corner come together to form congruent exactly size because lines angles figure definition an exact location in space goes on forever both directions part starts stops between endpoints ray one direction angle by rays with common endpoint right measures degrees looks like acute less than obtuse greater but perpendicular corners intersecting through parallel equal distance apart intersect symmetry when folded half along parts match each other figures...

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