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picture1_Geometry Pdf 167743 | 28 Itspy2020 Praca

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File: Geometry Pdf 167743 | 28 Itspy2020 Praca
pavoljozef afarikuniversityinko ice facultyofscience automated generation of planar geometry olympiad problems master s thesis field of study informatics institute institute of computer science supervisor doc rndr stanislav kraji phd consultant ...

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...Pavoljozef afarikuniversityinko ice facultyofscience automated generation of planar geometry olympiad problems master s thesis field study informatics institute computer science supervisor doc rndr stanislav kraji phd consultant mgr michal rolinek ko bc patrik bak acknowledgments i would like to express my gratitude for his support in granting me full academic freedom pursue own ideas whose expertise and advice took this text an entirely new dimension pavel alom immensely careful reading the entire formal model problem sections david uhrik countless remarks on every part terms both content style univerzita p j safarika v kosiciach prirodovedecka fakulta zadanie zaverenej prace meno a priezvisko studenta studijny program informatika jednoodborove studium magistersky ii st denna forma odbor typ diplomova praca jazyk anglicky sekundarny slovensky nazov sk automaticke generovanie planimetrickych uloh matematickej olympiady cie design implement software that is able generate by extending in...

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