File: Geometry Pdf 167580 | E3sconf Catpid2021 02018
e3s web of conferences 281 02018 2021 https doi org 10 1051 e3sconf 202128102018 catpid 2021 part 1 fractal geometry and design of modern structures irina mayatskaya irina kashina natalia ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 25 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Es web of conferences https doi org esconf catpid part fractal geometry and design modern structures irina mayatskaya kashina natalia gerlein batyr yazyev don state technical university rostov on russia abstract one the main directions in application mathematical methods construction is to create complex objects using simple algorithms with use computer technology describe real systems particular development architectural appearance city most amazing shape will allow solving problems research forecasting urban environments introduction studies properties that have fragmentation broken lines fuzzy boundaries fractional dimensions term was introduced by benoit mandelbrot typically fractals following classification geometric algebraic stochastic iterative functions fig for which there ifs iterated function l idea system a way obtain replacing parts initial element according certain rules but are other as well these dissymmetry scaling unity symmetry asymmetry changing similarity different...