multiple views geometry subhashis banerjee dept computer science and engineering iit delhi email suban cse iitd ac in january 12 2008 1 1 epipolar geometry fundamental geometric relationship between two ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 25 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Multiple views geometry subhashis banerjee dept computer science and engineering iit delhi email suban cse iitd ac in january epipolar fundamental geometric relationship between two perspective cameras epipole isthepointofintersectionofthelinejoiningtheopticalcenters thebaseline with the image plane is one camera of optical center other dened by a d point centers or equivalently an line intersection it ray through all lines intersect at provides constraint for correspon dence problem uncalibrated case given we have equations x p xandx projects as px i writing where non singular that t e second projection rst on innity along to cross product if antisymmetric matrix representing then fx any this satises tfx f called rank can be computed from correspondences clearly fe degenerate tf epipoles are obtained null spaces calibrated there coordinate systems related r rx taking vector followed scalar which expresses vectors ox o oo coplanar written ex essential points rays euclidean space y c z ...