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picture1_Geometry Pdf 167496 | Gma V2 Chap5

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File: Geometry Pdf 167496 | Gma V2 Chap5
chapter5 basics of projective geometry think geometrically prove algebraically johntate 5 1 whyprojective spaces for a novice projective geometry usually appears to be a bit odd and it is not ...

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...Chapter basics of projective geometry think geometrically prove algebraically johntate whyprojective spaces for a novice usually appears to be bit odd and it is not obvioustomotivatewhyitsintroductionisinevitableandinfactfruitful oneofthe mainmotivationsarises from algebraic themaingoalofalgebraic study the propertiesofgeometricob jects such as curvesand surfaces denedimplicitly in termsofalgebraicequations instance equation x y denesacircleinr moregenerally wecanconsiderthecurvesdenedbygeneral equations ax by cxy dx ey f ofdegree knownasconics itisthennaturaltoaskwhetheritispossibletoclassify these curves according their generic geometric shape this indeed possible except so called singular cases we get ellipses parabolas hyperbolas same question can asked dened quadratic known quadrics andagain aclassicationispossible however theseclassications are articial example an ellipse hyperbola differ fact that ahyperbolahaspointsatinnity andyet theirgeometricproperties identical providedthat...

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