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picture1_Geometry Pdf 167139 | Spherical Geometry

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File: Geometry Pdf 167139 | Spherical Geometry
introduction to spherical geometry lectures by athanase papadopoulos live t xed by sayantan khan e november2017 1 introduction oneoftwostandardnoneuclideangeometries hyperbolic geometry became fashionable becausethurstonstartedit sphericalgeometryisstillratherdormant thereareanalogiesbetweenhyperbolicandsphericalgeometries 1 1 transitional geometry ...

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...Introduction to spherical geometry lectures by athanase papadopoulos live t xed sayantan khan e november oneoftwostandardnoneuclideangeometries hyperbolic became fashionable becausethurstonstartedit sphericalgeometryisstillratherdormant thereareanalogiesbetweenhyperbolicandsphericalgeometries transitional continuous passage between and containing in the middle euclidean thurston talked about transition geometries dimen sion basics of dimension think s r need specify lines triangles trigonometric formulae equator is a line sphere more generally an intersection plane with if passes through origin then great circle two planes dening meet somewhere angle we now take three get triangle bounded this object interest are denedsimilarly figure example lengthsoflinesegmentsonthesphereisdenedastheangletheysubtendatthecentre wehavethefollowingformulainsphericalgeometry sinbc sinab sinac sina sinc sinb similarly have formula for sinhbc sinhab sinhac following bc ab ac anotherinterestingformulaisthe...

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