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picture1_Calculus Pdf 169216 | Stensorcalculus

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File: Calculus Pdf 169216 | Stensorcalculus
spherical tensor calculus for local adaptive filtering marcoreisert and hans burkhardt 1 introduction in 3d image processing tensors play an important role while rank 1 and rank 2 tensors are ...

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...Spherical tensor calculus for local adaptive filtering marcoreisert and hans burkhardt introduction in d image processing tensors play an important role while rank are well understood commonly used higher rare this is probably due to their cumbersome rotation behavior which prevents a computa tionally efcient use chapter we want introduce the notion of based on irreducible representations group fact any ordinary cartesian can be decomposed into sum ten sors each has quite simple so called tensorial harmonics that provide orthogonal basis elds it just generalization known harmon ics additionally propose derivative connects different degree by differentiation will proposed theory ltering meanthat duringthe processthe lter kernelsmay changetheir shape orientation depending other quantities were derived from typically there two ways do certain sense dual consider classical linear process inter pretation one hand convolution pixel impulse re placedbyapredenedlterkernel impulseresponse while...

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