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picture1_Geometry Pdf 167086 | 1183423206

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File: Geometry Pdf 167086 | 1183423206
398 non euclidean geometry l may non euclidean geometry the elements of non euclidean geometry by d m y sommerville london g bell and sons 1914 16mo xvi 274 pp ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 25 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Non euclidean geometry l may the elements of by d m y sommerville london g bell and sons mo xvi pp few recent writers upon have approached their task with better chances success than attended dr in preparation present volume anyone who has seen his scholarly painstaking bibliography will realize that so far as a knowledge what others written subject is desirable qualification author was most fortunately placed furthermore he happy possessor an excellent literary style book such writer should be interesting stimulating both these characteristics choice material admirable narrative continually illu mined historical notes when fairies were invited to christening sleep ing beauty one sisterhood unfortunately over looked her absence caused all trouble came afterwards here thing lacking singleness aim says page vii it hoped prove useful scholar ship candidate our secondary schools wishes widen geometrical horizon honours student at uni versities chooses special teacher general desires see ho...

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