File: Geometry Pdf 166992 | 2290 Item Download 2023-01-25 00-48-12
continuity of set valued maps revisited in the light of tame geometry aris daniilidis c h jeffrey pang abstractcontinuity of set valued maps is hereby revisited after recalling some basic ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 25 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Continuity of set valued maps revisited in the light tame geometry aris daniilidis c h jeffrey pang abstractcontinuity is hereby after recalling some basic concepts varia tional analysis and a short description state art we obtain as by product two sard type results concerning local minima scalar vector functions our main result though scribed framework stating that closed semialgebraic map almost everywhere continuous both topological measure theoretic sense depending onstratication techniques holds true more general setting o minimal or someapplications are briey discussed at end key words strict outer inner aubin property piecewise polyhedral optimization amssubjectclassication primary j secondary p n contents introduction basicnotionsinset for normalcones coderivatives preliminaryresults variational pareto extending mordukhovich criterion critical value linking sets genericcontinuity denable mappings sometechnical mainresult applications wesay s also use term multivalued function s...