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picture1_Geometry Pdf 166659 | Shapecompr

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File: Geometry Pdf 166659 | Shapecompr
shape compression using spherical geometry images 1 2 hugues hoppe and emil praun 1 microsoft research http research microsoft com hoppe 2 university of utah http www cs utah edu ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 24 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Shape compression using spherical geometry images hugues hoppe and emil praun microsoft research http com university of utah www cs edu emilp abstract werecentlyintroducedanalgorithmforsphericalparametrizationandremesh ing which allows resampling a genus zero surface onto regular d grid image these oer several advantages for first simple extension rules extend the square im age domain to cover innite plane thereby providing globally smooth parametrization structure permits use ordinary wavelets including higher order with polynomial precision coarsest span entire thus encode lowest frequen cies finally decompression algorithms op erate on arrays are ideally suited hardware ac celeration in this paper we detail two wavelet based approaches provide comparisons previous schemes introduction inpreviouswork weintroducearobustalgorithmforsphericalparametriza tion smoothly maps sphere can turn be unfolded allow remeshing one important such representation is concise encoding sur face explore a...

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