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File: Academic Pdf 166527 | Final Item Download 2023-01-24 20-32-02
universidade tecnica de lisboa instituto superior tecnico special relativity with geometric algebra hugo de sousa del negro dissertation submitted for obtaining the degree of master in electrical and computer engineering ...

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...Universidade tecnica de lisboa instituto superior tecnico special relativity with geometric algebra hugo sousa del negro dissertation submitted for obtaining the degree of master in electrical and computer engineering jury supervisor carlos manuel dos reis paiva phd co antonio luis campos da silva topa president jose bioucas dias member sergio almeida matos april acknowledgments this was a significant challenge that wouldn t be accomplished without support patient guidance professor my his wisdom knowledge commitment to highest standards inspired motivated me i would also like thank following these several months showing availability patience finally colleagues who helped despite all academic pressures we shared ii abstract mathematics is an essential tool therefore its simplicity key element better understanding consequently advance excessive employment descartes coordinate system caused by scientists misconception vectors has led developers unnecessary complexity calculations context...

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