vol 195 no 6 the american naturalist june 2020 historical perspective the adaptive geometry of trees revisited thomas j givnish department of botany university of wisconsin madison madison wisconsin 53706 ...
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...Vol no the american naturalist june historical perspective adaptive geometry of trees revisited thomas j givnish department botany university wisconsin madison submitted september accepted december electronically published april abstract theadaptivegeometryoftreeshadanimportantcon ences in canopy maximized carbon acquisition ceptual inuence on plant ecology and helped inspire many new undersunnyversusshadyconditions thatasaresultmul approaches to understanding succession adaptation tilayers wouldhaveagrowthadvantageearlyinsuccession competition its central model provided an elegant potential andmonolayersanadvantagelater andthatthedensityof explanation for how optimal form should shift with ecolog shadecastbyforestswouldperforceincreasethroughtime ical conditions change those through time thus after closure was helpdrivesuccessionandbeaconsequenceofit yetoncloseexam aseminalandhighlycreativecontributiontoplantecology ination this deeply inspirational does not lead predic explaining eco...