chapter20 basics of the differential geometry of surfaces 20 1 introduction the purpose of this chapter is to introduce the reader to some elementary concepts of the differential geometry of ...
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...Chapter basics of the differential geometry surfaces introduction purpose this is to introduce reader some elementary concepts our goal rather modest we simply want needed understand notion gaussian curvature meancurvature principalcurvatures and geodesic lines almost all material presented in based on lectures given by eugenio calabi an upper undergraduate course offered fall most topics coveredin have been included except a presentation global gauss bonnet hopf theorem special coordinate systems hilbert s constant negative what surface precise answer cannot really be without introducing concept manifold informal say that set points r such for every point p there small perhaps very neighborhoodu continuously deformable into little at open disk thus should topology also locally unlessthe singular looks like plane properties can classied local prop erties intheolderliterature thestudyoflocalpropertieswascalled andthestudyofglobalpropertieswascalledgeometry large lo cal are hold neighbor...