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picture1_Geometry Pdf 166131 | Paper2

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File: Geometry Pdf 166131 | Paper2
euclid s diagrammatic logic and cognitive science 1 2 yacin hamami and john mumma 1 centre for logic and philosophy of science vrije universiteit brussel brussels yacin hamami gmail com ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 24 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Euclid s diagrammatic logic and cognitive science yacin hamami john mumma centre for philosophy of vrije universiteit brussel brussels gmail com max planck institute the history berlin abstract more than two millennia elements set stan dard rigorous mathematical reasoning practice text embodied is essentially this aspect it has been captured formally in a logical system termed eu paper we review empirical theoretical works cognition psychology light argue that intuitions euclidean geometry might play role interpretation diagrams show neither mental rules nor models approaches to constitutes by itself good candidate investigating geometrical conclude framework empirically will have account both with information developed stenning van lambalgen purpose introduction distinctive feature elementary natural tuitive character its proofs prominent place subject within education mathematics attests was taken be foundational starting point from time birth ancient greece up until th century remai...

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