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picture1_Leadership Pdf 165870 | 573270857004

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Leadership Pdf 165870 | 573270857004

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 24 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Espirales revista multidisciplinaria de invesitgacion cientifica issn compasacademico icloud com grupo compas ecuador leadership skills of managers educational institutions lopez olea jose fernando vol num disponible en https www redalyc org articulo oa id pdf generado a partir xml jatsr por proyecto academico sin fines lucro desarrollado bajo la iniciativa acceso abierto habilidades liderazgo del directivo instituciones educativas lopezolea correo buap mx universidad autonoma puebla mexico abstract e reminds us that the competencies and abilities are not centered on administrative tasks but should be plural promoting actions in nancial academic pedagogical other areas necessary for organization such as public relations this sense objective is to analyze exercised by directors thus identify relevance each one them population were ve private higher education purpose questionnaire was made through an instrument validated with cronbach s alpha test whose value reliability precision less t...

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